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The Bill and Linda Tos Family Foundation’s support of Christian education – especially once grounded in the Reformed tradition – stems from the conviction that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalms 111:10) and the recognition that Christ’s lordship extends over every sphere of life, including education.
The Foundation’s support for Christian education comes from the proverb that it takes a village to raise a child. The Foundation sees Christian education as an expression of the promise made at baptism, by parents and by the community, to be the village that supports the formation and education of our children in a curriculum uniquely designed and shaped by those who are nourished in faith in Christ.
The Foundation’s commitment to Christian education grows out of a belief that confessing “Jesus is Lord” has a radical impact on how we as Christians see every aspect of God’s creation. At the Foundation, we believe the curriculum of Christian schools would enable children to learn about everything from algebra to zygotes through the lens of the Christian faith. The Foundation does not see Christian education as something reserved for the elite, nor is it merely Bible classes. Instead, the Foundation view Christian education as an intentional, intensive, formative curriculum bent on shaping young people as agents and ambassadors of God’s kingdom.
The Tos Family has attended the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) for generations and continues to adhere to its particular belief system, which encourages Christian education.
Since 1912, our family has settled and farmed in the Central Valley of California. We joined with other Dutch immigrants to start a Christian Reformed Church in the nearby town of Hanford (which recently celebrated its 100th year)
P.O. Box 12060
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
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